Welcome to Bothnia Industries!
We are an old corp, who specialises in all things industry, but we dabble with other things when we want to.
Things we offer:
* Hisec/Lowsec Mining Fleets
* Exploration Fleets
* The tools to learn the game
* Ore Buyback Program
* Hauling
...and we do have many things we want to do in the future!
At some point in the future, we want to be able to supply everyone with personal ships, fits and skillbooks to engage in certain activities.
* The ability to speak English or Swedish
* A working mic
* 250.000 skillpoints
* The will to learn the game and prosper
Please do join our Discord when you are accepted.
All applications and corporation communications will go through our Discord server, so make sure to head there!
Public in-game channel:
Bothnia Public
Recruitment matters:
Idolatrine and
D92C Diplomatic matters: